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Managed Cloud
Not for profit 1 transformation

Not For Profit Partner 1

This NFP partner works in the alcohol and other drug sector in Western Australia and is a proudly independent not-for-profit organisation.

Services Provided
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How do we move an on-premise server to a new serviced office location on a 3rd party corporate (and heavily restricted) network?

Our partner’s ICT consisted of an on-premise Microsoft server running a single Windows workload. In 2015, Epic IT were contracted to help our partner facilitate this move and to provide ongoing managed support services post relocation. Our partner was set to move into a state-of-the-art serviced office space shared with two State Government agencies and other not for profits. While the beautiful Perth based office was furnished with the latest tech, there were some challenges facing our partner in moving an existing on-premise server system into a large serviced environment. Epic IT were happy to help.

Not for profit 1 transformation
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Epic IT recommended and coordinated a transition of our partners existing on premise server to sit alongside its pre-existing email system all within the cloud.

Epic IT were to complete the final piece of our partner’s cloud puzzle by moving their on-premise server to Microsoft Azure cloud. Moving a foreign system into a larger network will always present challenges not to mention the red tape associated with government networks. Reducing complexity reduces challenges. In consolidating the current system around Microsoft Azure infrastructure, Epic IT were able to simplify our partner’s core system and make it more portable and adaptable. In late 2015, Epic IT executed the transition to cloud. When Microsoft Philanthropies became available late 2017, Epic IT helped qualify and upgrade our partner’s cloud system leveraging these benefits.

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Our partner continues to leverage Microsoft Azure and Office 365 and run seamlessly off the State Government network.

Our partner’s move was seamless, and their team quickly found themselves in a settled, highly productive environment due to the earlier cloud transition. While neighbouring organisations facing the same move suffered a considerable amount of disruptions and setbacks, our partner was “business as usual” not long after the relocation and Epic IT are still managing their ICT to this day.

"Epic IT supported us through the shift from our on-premise server to a cloud server and then from our stand-alone office to our current office, which we share with several other organisations. Re-locating while still offering our usual high standard of service to members presented a challenge, but Epic IT made it possible. Epic IT’s continued ICT support, provided by friendly and capable professionals, is highly valued by the our team."

- Vanessa, Organisation Coordinator

Epic IT Lady

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