This organisation is a not for profit organisation who support individuals, families and communities affected by alcohol and other drug issues with a range of services including counselling, group support and residential rehabilitation. They are located in Perth metropolitan, Peel, the South West and Great Southern regions of Western Australia.
Solution to a mixed workstation and on-premise server environment that is end of life and no longer optimal
This Not For Profit’s ICT consisted of many underutilized on-premise server systems situated throughout most WA branches. As a very successful organisation, the organisation had continued to enjoy organic growth with the on-premise server model being replicated for each new site commissioned. Management costs, data security, recovery and availability of core systems were now becoming a concern and driving factor for review. They needed a solution.
Epic IT swung into action implementing a two-year IT Strategy
After holding strategy meetings with the organisation’s senior management, Epic IT developed a two-year action plan that would align with budgets, funding and asset management schedules. It would address immediate and future technological challenges facing their organisation as growth continued. The plan involved building an end point standard operating environment (SOE) and lay the foundation for a full cloud-based ICT system. The solution would be seamlessly accessible both internally within a well-managed and secure network as well as externally from remote locations. Epic IT would leverage Microsoft Philanthropy services to deliver this solution at a fraction of the commercial cost. Old hardware would be removed and disposed of securely by Epic IT.
In 2019 this organisation and Epic IT saw the final phase of the project draw towards completion
This not for profit organisation are now enjoying the benefits of a full cloud-based solution without the overhead of legacy hardware systems. The entire organisation is now running off a managed Windows 10 Environment and leveraging Microsoft Office 365 and Azure for collaboration, productivity, identity and security services. The organisation’s ICT system has been digitally transformed meaning they will never need to be concerned about a physical server failing or requiring replacement again. Due to the nature of cloud computing, recovery and restoration times have been given a boost and no longer a concern moving forward.
This organisation are already working on their next ICT phase to build upon the SharePoint platform to further enhance collaboration and integration of business processes and drive further success to an already successful organisation.
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